Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Darkness Forged in Fire by Chris Evans

A Darkness Forged in Fire by Chris Evans is the first book in the Iron Elves Series. Konowa Swiftdragon is the protagonist who must go back to commanding an army. He previously killed the Viceroy and was therefore banished to live in the forest.

Konowa was part of the iron elves, who had been disbanded after he killed the Viceroy. As an Iron Elf, he fights both an internal and external battle against serving the Shadow Monarch. His father, a wizard, gives him an acorn from the Shadow Monarch's forest, and the power of the Shadow Monarch is drawn to him as he fights with his army.

Evans puts a little of everything that makes for a good novel into this book. There is a complicated love interest, Visyna Tekoy, and power struggles on mutliple levels. The Prince officially leads the army through battle, but he is incompetent, and Konowa must supplicate him while still making the kinds of decisions that will protect his regiment and keep him in a respectful position with them.

I was a little confused between the elves, the elfkynan, and the iron elves. I'm still not sure I understand the difference between the elfkynana and the regular elves. Perhaps I would find out in book two? I also loved the dwarf character and the minor character Alywn. I could see a whole series based on either of them as well. Rallie, the report/witch also made for an interesting character. The relationships between all of them were dynamic.

What drew me to give this 4 1/2 stars **** was the various levels upon which it could be read. It is a darker book than most I read, even more so than the murder mysteries I usually read. I felt like everyone and everything was doomed for most of the book. I couldn't see the happy ending at the end of the tunnel like I can for a lot of books.

I eagerly await the paperback release of book two.